Caw caw caw
welcome to the crowmmunity. i am a crow. i am inspirational.
sign up for my newsletter.
i will send a newsletter soon. i am still learning how to typE so i don’t know when it will be ready. thank you for your patience.
caw caw caw caw caw caw
caw caw caw caw caw caw

my art
you can learn more about me here
i create art
i write
i sing
i paint, photograph, and film the natural world
i collect beautiful things
and maybe one day i will bring you a trinket..if you’re nice 2 me.
always remember >>> save wildlife. save the planet. give me peanuts.
collaborations (cawllaborations)
are you a brand, business, or a bird? contact (cawntact) me today to set up a call (cawl).